For as long as he's been a public nuisance with the free blogs, the cheap Dutch Douche has cried about being born in 1946.
He would talk about all his fake ailments and blubber that he "has little time left."
In the shoutbox, he would routinely moan, "i am 73 and my wife is 75." Only lately he's been saying HE is 75.
Maybe he's like Norman Bates and he dressed up in drag. Maybe his wife died a few years ago and he's wearing her clothes.
Who knows. The man IS Hans Demented Devente and he is constantly lying.
He is constanty getting new blogs, deleting them, posting GOODIES, deleting them, boasting about how he has money to waste on buying CDs, and then mewling "PRETTYPLEASE, will some kind person post this song, it would cost $1.29 on iTunes..."
The jerk wails about how he can't listen to music because he has tinnitus, and the next day he's back in the shoutbox crying, "I am missing a few Kitaro albums I would like to hear. Won't some kind person help..."
He is SUCH a JERK.
The last time he posted his driver's license to tell the world he was 73...a few weeks later he was moaning that he's 75.
His biggest problem is he's so GAY and he won't come out of the closet. Despite his PRETTYPLEASE posts, his coquette teasing ("I will post ONE item a day") and his bitchy "on the rag" psychotic behavior ("that is all i am not posting anymore i am deleting everyting") he won't admit he's NOT a man at all. He's a drama queen GAY.
BREIN doesn't come and arrest him, if the Dutch police don't check for
the pedophile gay porn on his multi-computers and external drives, maybe
a few men in WHITE JACKETS should come for him. He is NUTS.