Wednesday, March 17, 2021

"LIVE" at Zinhof's Shoutbox again and NOT IN THE HOSPITAL - the notorious liar, Hans De Vente, The Dutch Douchebag


 One of the MANY words that applies to old, smelly, mendacious, pathetic, pesty, nasty, creepy Sake Johannes De Vente (aka "HANS") is...


He is probably the STUPIDEST man in Holland. You don't get fired from every job for being smart. You don't lie to Andy Partridge and others and get away with it for THAT long. You don't commit the same vicious acts of sabotage and abuse of others on usenet, in forums and in shoutboxes without almost ALL but the most naive cretins catching on. 

It didn't take long for everyone to know that "WILSON" (alias #952983 at Zinhof's shoutbox) was Hansy Pansy, when he spelled it WILZUN. How many times has HANSZUN pulled that stupid ZUN gag? 

It's ALWAYS "zunny" in useless suburbs in Holland where the government gives worthless leeches a look-alike place to live, and social security at 55, and all the freebies cheap Dutch Douches like Hansy Pansy need so they can spend their time being worthless Internet trolls and jerks. 

Beware the IDES OF MARCH. HANS THE LIAR, aka HANS STINKER, was claiming to be in the hospital getting heart surgery! (He already used up brain tumors, brain stem explosion, diverticulitis, leukemia, Covid...) 

Instead he was somehow using his computer to play in his favorite SHOUTBOX, and babble about how "a friend" posted a link for him: 

He has no friends. He has a few dull-witted idiots like JOAO who meekly and greedily lick Hansy's ass to get hundreds of crappy Windhim Hill albums, or to share Hansy Pansy's homo-love of Cowboys and Beachboys, from Brian WilSUN to "MERLE HAGRID." This friend coincidentally has some rarity that...actually came from Hansy Pansy's 100TB collection of compulsive crap? 

What did demented De Vente do next? "The Good Egg" as he likes to call himself, resorted to his usual ranting and cursing and name-calling:


WILSUN disappeared after being proven a LIAR once again. Ge's NOT in a hospital at all, just holed up in his look-alike government row house home (you know, where his wife is always "falling downstairs"). 


Hansy Pansy doesn't go walking in his ZUNNY neighborhood loaded with other retired leeches. His personality is obnoxious. Even before he found out what a liar Hansy Pansy is, Andy Partridge recalled him as being like a big slobbery St. Bernard dog, following Andy and the band around, wearing a Mark David Chapman grin, being too needy and pathetic to say "Get LOST" to. does Hansy think up a clever way to get back into the shoutbox with a new name just to post what's already been posted??? Easy. Just use a new alias, and be assured that the Senile Croatian Scrotum, the even more English-challenged Mr. Zinhof (affectionally called "ZINNY" by strangers who don't know him) will not care. 

Enter LIVES2SHORT, who instantly gotten into fights for re-posting other peoples uploads. Long time Hans-spotters easily saw through it. How often has The Dutch Douche whined that he was about to die and lives too short? How often, including his idiotic COVID blogs (urging people "save your live stay indoors") has this moron confused the worlds "LIFE" and "LIVE?" 

Next alias? How about the most accurate one....STUPID!