Hans De Vente has been faking his death for years.
"I am going to kill myself...I have tinnitus...I have diverticulitis...I have a brain tumor...it does not look good..." He's put up blogs declaring he's ready for a "happy death" and that if people don't see him giving away his stale Hank Williams downloads or shoddy Talking Heads bootlegs, it's because he will be DEAD, and his body "buried at sea."
It turns out that while he is easily Holland's FATTEST UGLIEST RAT, and he's happily KILLED OFF millions of sales and cost his much hated SONY NEDERLANDS a fortune, there's an even worse plague than HANS DE VENTE.
You didn't know that HOLLAND is one of the world's WORST offending countries in breeding MINKS and killing them for FUR?
It turns out that greed and stupidity isn't confined to HANS DE VENTE. The Netherlands is loaded with creepy users, obnoxious selfish scumbags, and totally immoral cheese-headed swine. Imagine, breeding animals JUST to KILL THEM for the sake of VANITY!
That's like Hans De Vente who became "The Blogfather" and killed music sales JUST so people would say he was "a good egg."
"More than 1.1 million minks have been killed on 26 Dutch farms that
recorded outbreaks, according to the Netherlands Food and Consumer
Product Safety Authority. The government announced Thursday that minks
at a 27th farm also were infected and would be killed.
The Netherlands, which has some 160 mink farms, is the world’s
fourth-biggest producer of the prized fur after Denmark, China and
Poland, according to Wim Verhagen, director of the Dutch federation of
fur farmers."
Yes, the fabulous NETHERLANDS which spawned a miserable sociopath named SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE, spawns MINKS just to KILL THEM, and has the same morality as CHINA and POLAND. As for DENMARK, this is a country that welcomed Hitler, and that engaged in ruthless slavery. Yes, while everyone rages about how much "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and how awful a small bunch of Southern States were 150 years ago, DENMARK was enjoying the benefits of SLAVERY and did not stop until 1917. Consider the Civil War in America was ended in 1865 when the White North finally defeated the bigots of the South.
From 1672 to 1917 Denmark had a colony in the Caribbean called the
Danish West Indies, which consisted of the islands St. Thomas, St. Jan
and St. Croix.
While the name HANS DE VENTE deserves to be connected with stupidity, avarice, sociopathic greed, psychotic perversity, incredible lying, as well as anti-Semitism and hatred of blacks, let's not forget the bigger picture. There are, FAR WORSE ASSHOLES IN HOLLAND besides HANS DE VENTE.
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