Wednesday, December 16, 2020


He could not resist. 

Here's the big oaf, the drama queen, the Lying Asshole, the VILLAGE IDIOT OF BADHOEVEDORP, putting up a new blog (pretending to be in Palm Springs again) and sobbing that he has CORONAVIRUS.

 Notice how he ends all his vainglorious sobbing and crying with..."the blog will not be updated till I feel better." And of course, he UPDATED IT A FEW DAYS LATER. 

 What an asshole. A few people even more retarded than him actually left comments on his blog. All three of them. He was once the BLOGFATHER with hundreds of comments. Now he's the limpdick loser everyone is bored with. Him and his tired, tired garbage he uploads, and the junk he steals that people can get everywhere else. 


No, those are NOT the symptoms of Corona. The asshole can't even TRY to be authentic. Sure enough, a few days later...


Oooh ooh, the NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND....AGAIN.  OOOH OOH, a Bee Gees documentary he stole off somebody else's blog. 

No wonder people really wish this boring overgrown baby would just GO AWAY to the ELEPHANT'S GRAVEYARD WHERE HE BELONGS. can't even COUNT the number of times this bloated baby has claimed to be dying, claimed his wife or mother-in-law was dying, claimed to be about to kill himself...remember THIS ONE?

 Hey Hansy Pansy, here's a picture you can use in OLD ZINHOF's shoutbox: 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Long Goodbye - Hans keeps DYING again and again

Oh look who is talking about dying again. Zzzz. How many YEARS has he put up blogs and moped in shoutboxes about how he's dying? Then he makes "good use" of his time by posting some tired shit he's posted again and again.

Whether he's droning on about his latest repeat of MERLE HAGGARD music or "those Jewish boys" SIMON AND GARFUNKEL, nobody cares.

Whether he fawns over somebody in the Zinhof shoutbox and thanks them for a download, that doesn't mean anything. The person doesn't not care about HANS and is not going to visit him in that private hospital room. Who would?

Yeah, HANS, "on the government teat," wastes Holland's time and money. Nobody cared to know why he was in the hospital and NOBODY wished him well. Not on his latest stupid blog, not in any shoutbox. 

Who cares.


Sunday, August 2, 2020


Hans De Vente has been faking his death for years.

"I am going to kill myself...I have tinnitus...I have diverticulitis...I have a brain does not look good..." He's put up blogs declaring he's ready for a "happy death" and that if people don't see him giving away his stale Hank Williams downloads or shoddy Talking Heads bootlegs, it's because he will be DEAD, and his body "buried at sea."

It turns out that while he is easily Holland's FATTEST UGLIEST RAT, and he's happily KILLED OFF millions of sales and cost his much hated SONY NEDERLANDS a fortune, there's an even worse plague than HANS DE VENTE.

You didn't know that HOLLAND is one of the world's WORST offending countries in breeding MINKS and killing them for FUR?

It turns out that greed and stupidity isn't confined to HANS DE VENTE. The Netherlands is loaded with creepy users, obnoxious selfish scumbags, and totally immoral cheese-headed swine. Imagine, breeding animals JUST to KILL THEM for the sake of VANITY!

That's like Hans De Vente who became "The Blogfather" and killed music sales JUST so people would say he was "a good egg."

"More than 1.1 million minks have been killed on 26 Dutch farms that recorded outbreaks, according to the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. The government announced Thursday that minks at a 27th farm also were infected and would be killed.

The Netherlands, which has some 160 mink farms, is the world’s fourth-biggest producer of the prized fur after Denmark, China and Poland, according to Wim Verhagen, director of the Dutch federation of fur farmers."

Yes, the fabulous NETHERLANDS which spawned a miserable sociopath named SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE, spawns MINKS just to KILL THEM, and has the same morality as CHINA and POLAND. As for DENMARK, this is a country that welcomed Hitler, and that engaged in ruthless slavery. Yes, while everyone rages about how much "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and how awful a small bunch of Southern States were 150 years ago, DENMARK was enjoying the benefits of SLAVERY and did not stop until 1917. Consider the Civil War in America was ended in 1865 when the White North finally defeated the bigots of the South.

From 1672 to 1917 Denmark had a colony in the Caribbean called the Danish West Indies, which consisted of the islands St. Thomas, St. Jan and St. Croix.

While the name HANS DE VENTE deserves to be connected with stupidity, avarice, sociopathic greed, psychotic perversity, incredible lying, as well as anti-Semitism and hatred of blacks, let's not forget the bigger picture. There are, FAR WORSE ASSHOLES IN HOLLAND besides HANS DE VENTE.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

"HANS" De Vente - The Old Dutchman Has a Death Wish

Hanzie Hitler doesn't have the guts to go into his bunker and blow his brains out. 

He wants somebody to do it for him. That's why he is constantly baiting people in that Zinhof shoutbox, and making snide antisemitic and antiblack remarks. 

HANS DE VENTE doesn't think BLACK LIVES MATTER. He has joked about their "shit" music. 

He now turns his attention from BLACK to GREEN. 


He has a history of daring people to come and get him. His games include the BLOGFATHER game and "MY BLOG CAN BEAT YOUR BLOG" game and putting an AYATOLLAH turban on his head after hacking and destroying a music forum that banned him. 

His games include asking people to "GET" rival bloggers because he couldn't figure out where in England or France they were. He secretly wants to die, and has made so many blogs where he's threatened suicide and declared he's had a GOOD LIFE and he would not mind if it ended....

Now he's been amping up his attacks on another blogger, GREEN: 

Hansy, as usual, has been stealing links. GREEN has been a regular target out of JEALOUSY. GREEN is a successful blogger. DEMENTED DE VENTE because he is insane and obnoxious, is NOT.

Hansy wants GREEN to come after him. Why else go into yet another mindless RANT in the Zinhof shoutbox? 

Hansy has craved punishment ever since he was a little brat. "My father beat me," he repeated over and over on his blogs. He said it more out of nostalgia. At least SOMEBODY cared enough to pay attention. Pathetic, isn't it? 

Giving away music was never enough. He became notorious because of his rotten attitude, his insults, and his macabre fantasies about others: "I hope you die of AIDS WITH EBOLA." 

Remember some of HANZIE's DEATH BLOGS? Only a month ago he was delighting in the Coronavirus, declaring that he would probably be dead any day, and "i am scared shitless." He selflessly urged others to "SAFEYOURLIFE" (Mr. Illiterate English as a Language he THINKS he can speak). 

Yes, he knew he was HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW. Awwww....


There are more people following him and sharing information on him than there are people downloading his boring new age music and stale Hank Williams wav files. His emails have been hacked and even his drug prescriptions are known. He just wants more people to hate him. It makes him think he's ALIVE! For the moment.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020


He's done it SO often, it's hardly been worth posting. 

You know Hansy Pansy: "Blogging is not for Me" he whines, and "There are more important things to do with the TIME I HAVE LEFT." It lasts a day. 

Then...either it's a miracle cure for this "it doesn't look good" ailment, or he doesn't even bother with an excuse and just starts flogging THE BEACH BOYS or HANK WILLIAMS or some other tired shit he's posted endlessly to NO INTEREST. 

Here he goes again, May 17th on blog #875298349847, "living with six inches up my ass" or whatever he calls it. Oh, "living six feet apart." 

He also wiped his...OTHER blog,  #875298349848, where he was posting Tokyo crap that nobody was paying ANY attention to: 

The day before, he was telling everyone how much he was enjoying his new IPAD and how he MIGHT fulfill somebody's request eventually, but he was "in bed" at the moment. (Yes, he's the ONLY one whose idea of a good time in bed is to go check out what strangers are posting in a Croatian shoutbox.) 

One day later and he vengefully wipes all his links and does his power trip "blogging is on hold" game. People are STILL supposed to care what's wrong with him?  Everyone knows. He's mentally ill, and he's been mentally ill all his life. His sociopathic lying, which sometimes got him a job for a while, was never enough so he could KEEP a job for a while. Once SONY fired him he chowed down on the government teat and hasn't worked since.

To his three or four boyfriends in Old Pervy Zinhof's shitbox, he offered one last blast of BEACH BOYS garbage, and a wistful little whine that he hoped would get him some attention and a few NICE remarks: 

"a hopefully temporary goodbye." Old Brain Rot tried to not make it the usual "it doesn't look good" or "i'm going to the hospital" or one of his other dire cliches. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

HANZIE HITLER is DYING AGAIN -- that's why he's sniffing in Zinhof's shitbox, wasting what's left of his life

When was it...only YESTERDAY...that Hansy Pansy, aka Hanzie Hitler, aka DOUG, aka 2020, aka UNIT, etc. etc. was telling his shoutbox buddies and boyfriends he was LEAVING. "For a while." 

That turned out to be less than 24 hours! 

That's the famous Drama Queen and liar. 

Now he's back to the familiar "I'm dying" game. Part of the CRYING GAME. How many times did this idiot post "make good use of the time you have left" after announcing he was terminal?

He's done it for over FIFTEEN YEARS. 

Mr. Illiterate's excuse for going back on his farewell in less than 24 hours: 

"it was mu mystake, I wnet to the hospital and they cannot hep me anymore,so I I am back for the time it lasts." 

Take his word for it! 

And off he goes, "does any body want the 1917 screenre I can re up" and "I can try to do one a day" of 27 gb of old Verve jazz that everybody already has -- except one asshole who grins to see how he can make Hansy Pansy dance and do his bidding. 

That's Hansy Pansy, as usual -- the same tired, boring tricks. The same lies.

His idea of "make good use of the time you have left" is putting on his best maid's uniform, doing a curtsy, and helping total strangers add to their 8TB hard drives full of music they'll NEVER PLAY!

"Here, have another discography, another discography, another discography...I'll spend my last dying days upping shitty music to YDRAY for you, YOU who won't even be at my funeral, YOU who are nowhere near my DellaFartlaan home in Bad Ho' Eavesdrop."

Ha ha ha Hanzie Hitler, what an ugly, fat, sad JOKE. What a LIAR. What a LOSER.

Monday, January 27, 2020


After a LONG, LONG day of posting irrelevant crap, stolen links, and attempting to fuck with the shoutboxer member GREEN (who expects people to buy a premium link so he can make money for himself), HANZIE HITLER spewed a racist insults at a dead black man, and then announced that for "health reasons" he was taking time off.

Here's today's chronology from Demented De Vente -- from his illiterate "does anybody wants" games and his "just reply" games, to his racism and his latest FAREWELL.

You can just imagine that ugly, huge lower lip of Hanzie's as he POUTED and wrote his farewell...hoping that somebody would ask what the "health reasons" were. (NOBODY DID)



HANZIE HITLER then decides people might want (ugh) the Swingle Swingers doing BACH (badly and lamely). Natural Mr. Limpdick makes a big deal out of how he can help if anyone can't manage to download. 

"Just reply." NOBODY REPLIED. And if you're wondering where he got the SWINGLE SINGERS album, why, of course, as usual, he STOLE IT FROM ANOTHER BLOG. Last month: 

What does HANZIE HITLER do when his "ANYBODY WANTS" and lame music posts get no response?

HANZIE fires RACIST RANT about the death of a beloved black basketball star and his young daughter! 

HANZIE HITLER is notorious for hating blacks and Jews. 

Even though he's in flat, boring, third-rate HOLLAND, he got upset because the Internet news was about Kobe Bryant being killed in a helicopter crash. 

A BLACK MAN is famous and could afford a helicopter in Hanzie's beloved Cal E. Fornia? 

That was too much for him. He called the Black Man "DISGUSTING"and hates a Black Man who is rich (as opposed to a lumpy lard-load in Holland who has been on THE GOVERNMENT TEAT FOR OVER 15 YEARS and has a history of being a thief and a liar and a cheap Dutch leech).

Got that? Jealous White Supremecist Sake Johannes De Vente strikes again, screaming about an uppity black man "too rich to use a car,disgusting" and acting like KOBE BRYANT murdered his own daughter and a bunch of other people "because he wasrich." 

ANYONE still think that Sake Johannes De Vente isn't the son of a Nazi? Isn't a psycho schizoid sado-masochistic bastard? ANYONE still buying his blubbery sobs of "I'm a good man" and "I'm a nice man" and all the rest of it? Just because he "shares" music out of the most base, evil and vengeful reasons?  

The KOBE BRYANT racist slur, jealous hatred of a black man who is rich, is just the latest in his long line of vicious Mr. Hyde attacks. It's not just BLACKS and JEWS and WOMEN he hates. He's been a nasty non-stop HATER all his life, a selfish, lying, stealing, pushy, obnoxious MONSTER.

Don't forget just a week or two ago when he called Miles Davis and John Coltrane and their legacy a "TUB A SHIT," and gave it all away with a racist smirk. 

Check the other blogs that document how often he not only DELETED links, and ATTACKED rivals, but wished them "AIDS WITH EBOLA" and shouted "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER." Remember how he created utter chaos in every forum he was ever in, and all the times, thanks to the protection of DADDY ZINHOF a Croatian Nazi, he's shouted "FUCK YOU" and "DIE" and all kinds of curses in English and in Dutch, on fellow music "sharers" who simply asked him for a re-up or asked him what the bit-rate was. 

The KOBE BRYANT slam is not some mistake. It's the work of an unrepentant, mean, fat ugly NAZI bastard that Holland has been allowing free room and board.

The great MOVIE MAVEN, demented Hans De Vente, decides to throw around entire films, but the ugly mogul gets NO responses. Other posters spoil his fun by posting amid his monotonous run of drivel:

After all these pointless, sad attempts at attention get NOTHING, HANZIE HITLER suddenly realizes he's SICK...and he CAN'T POST ANYMORE. 

That is, "for a while." 


You can bet that "I will be gone for a while" will turn out to be, what, ONE DAY? TWO? Then it'll be a new name and more of his pathetic, lumbering waddles on the treadmill to oblivion.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Oh look, it's desperate Hansy Pansy, still in his wife's knickers, still crying and sobbing for attention, STILL shutting one blog to open ANOTHER.

Ooooh another BLOGGY BLOGGY BLOGGY for Hansy Poo. He keeps telling everyone he's dying but all he does with THE TIME HE HAS LEFT is give away garbage music anyone can find ANYWHERE. What a pathetic fairy godmother.

Is it because he's a Cheap Dutchman? That he hates SONY NEDERLANDS? That he's just a neurotic one-note idiot? WHO CARES. 

Aside from a few of his long-distance boyfriends with silly names, like JOAO ALBA, nobody pays much attention to him anymore. He's a sad sick lonesome monster. An ugly blubber-lipped joke. 

A sobbing, whining, crying, mewling overgrown BABY who is as brainless at 73 as he was at 3. 

Same old asshole. Same old pouty crap: they will not be re upped." Ha ha ho ho hee hee until he gets ANOTHER blog to flog the same LAME GARBAGE

 Same old witless HANSY PANSY, grabbing a FREE picture (he IS the cheapest Dutchman in Holland) from something OLD and HACKNEYED that WE HAVE ALL SEEN A MILLION TIMES, and more of his dumb spelling:


Oooh, HANSY PANSY, nobody has had enough of your boring COUNTRY MUSIC. Your endless HANK WILLIAMS posts and all the rest of the tired, tired garbage.


Everyone hopes so. The end of boring, lonesome, pathetic, hairy-fairy HANSY PANSY. 

Oh wait. IS that his name? HANS? The sad loser is insisting it really isn't. 

 His full name is HANDLE. 

Except fat old Limp Dick does not have a working HANDLE. 

His Gouda-brain is rotting.